By Ranjeet

7 Best Work from Home Jobs in India

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Here is a handpicked list of the greatest Indian work-from-home jobs.

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A social media manager is responsible for coordinating a company's interactions with the public by implementing a content strategy for social media platforms. Average Income: INR 50K to 100K

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Social Media Manager

Web designers plan, build, and code a large number of websites and online pages that combine text with sounds, images, graphics, and video clips. Average Income: INR 60K to 100K

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Web Designer

A graphic designer's duties include identifying needs, visualising solutions, and creating images, including illustrations, logos, layouts, and photographs. Average Earning: INR 40K - 70K

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Graphic Designer

A content writer is a specialist who generates engaging and informative pieces to assist brands with product promotion. Average Income: INR 40K to INR 80K

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Content Writer

A virtual assistant is a self-employed individual who provides administrative support to clients from their home or another remote location. Average Income: INR 50-90K

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Virtual Assistant

Online tutors may be responsible for planning instructional activities, evaluating student work, and monitoring student progress. Average Income: INR 40K to 80K

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Online Teacher

Translation requires the capacity to accurately translate written words from one language to another. Average Income: INR 40K - 70K

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