10 Internship Success Strategies

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Remember that you need to submit your internship application by the specified date. If you can, get your application in early so you don't have to rush at the last minute.

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Submit Your Application Instantly

Edit your resume to highlight your qualifications for the internship position you are applying for. Proofread your resume numerous times and make sure it is ATS-friendly by keeping it to one page.

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Update your CV for maximum impact.

It's easy to find recruiters on LinkedIn. Gaining an internship may be easier if you have a strong LinkedIn presence.

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Update your LinkedIn page

Online aptitude tests are commonly used in the screening process for internships. In order to succeed on the aptitude test, you need hone your verbal, logical, and numeric reasoning skills.

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Raise Your IQ and Aptitude Test Scores

You should be well-versed in the company's mission and values, have done thorough research on the organisation, and be able to answer common behavioural inquiries.

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Interview Preparation

Construct an effective outline/pitch to talk to recruiters. It's best practise to establish some sort of rapport with the recruiting managers before approaching them for a referral.

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Talk to the Recruiters

Get in touch with former classmates and teachers. Send them a brief but compelling pitch for the internship position you're seeking a recommendation for.

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Alumni Association

Try having a close friend, classmate, or relative act as a mock interviewer for your internship. Take their criticisms to heart and hone your skills until you feel completely at ease.

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Attend Mock Interviews

Asking the interviewer pertinent questions is a wonderful idea. It shows that you care about the internship and the position specifically, and it makes a great impression.

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Ask Questions

Finally, remember to breathe deeply and approach the interview with confidence. Don't take negative feedback personally. To the best of my ability, I hope for your success.

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Be confident

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